Black Educators for Educational Equity, LLC – BAEE
The Black Educators for Educational Equity, LLC (BAEE) was founded by YAF Board member and BAEE Executive Director, Edith Bazile. BAEE provides advocacy services to ensure students with disabilities receive the best free and appropriate public education (FAPE) including services, supports, resources and placement codified in research and evidence-based methodologies that are measurable and lead to effective educational progress. BAEE works collaboratively to co-construct effective Team-designed Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs), educational placement, and access to the life of the school. BAEE’s advocacy is guided by the vision and goals of parent/s, guardians, caretakers while centering the student’s vision and goals, and building student agency to lead the process as they approach the age of transition and age of majority.
BAEE believes all school-aged children, regardless of racial, linguistic or disability status, must be provided high quality learning opportunities, services, interventions and resources that will unleash their potential, provide access to the curriculum, result in performance success, and build access to postsecondary independent living, including college, vocational options and successful careers.