Students of color, with disabilities, English language learners and students in foster care are far more likely than their peers to be disciplined, especially for minor incidents.

On Tuesday, YAF Executive Director, Marlies Spanjaard, testified in support of Massachusetts House Bill H.4138 to end the unnecessary exclusion of children from school. She joined others voicing concerns about the disparate impact of school discipline on Black and Latin-X students, students with disabilities, English language learners as well as students in foster care. These students are far more likely than their peers to be disciplined, especially for minor incidents. The laws MGL Ch. 71, Sec. 37H, MGL Ch. 71, Sec. 37H 3/4, and MGL Ch. 71, Sec 37H ½ require legislative fixes in order to function in a way that supports students AND promotes safety. To read her full testimony, click here.


Exciting News from YAF


We need to ban suspension for our youngest students!