YAF Board and Staff support Marathon Coalition runners with water stops one month before the big race!

Happy Monday! We are exactly FOUR WEEKS from #MarathonMonday when our 3 amazing #TeamYAF marathon runners, Becca Keddy, Cal Perez and Jake Krupp, will be running 26.2 miles from Hopkinton to Boston in support of our mission to shut down the school-to-prison pipeline!

If you'd like to support our runners' fundraising efforts, please visit https://www.givengain.com/cc/yaf2024/ and scroll down to choose from our list of fundraisers to support.

This past weekend, YAF board members along with YAF/EdLaw staff supported the Marathon Coalition by manning two water stops for the runners' "short" 13 mile training run! Thank you to EdLaw Attorney, Tim Sindelar, YAF Board Members, Edith Bazile and Theresa Flaherty, YAF Staff, Jackie Buchwald and Michele Scavongelli, and gracious volunteer, Ben Buchwald, for manning the water stops.

Before the run, YAF Executive Director, Michele Scavongelli, shared a bit about YAF and EdLaw with all the charity runners, and then we heard another inspiring talk from Boston Marathon Race Director, Dave McGillivray, who has raised hundreds of millions of dollars for charity throughout his running career, and is running the Boston marathon for the 52nd time next month (with his daughter for her first!)!

The Marathon Coalition and Coach Rick Muhr support a collection of education- and health-based charity running teams prepare for the Boston Marathon, including our TeamYAF runners.


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